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General cjj Rules

  • Strikes and slaps are only allowed once one combatant has been “downed”. No strikes can be exchanged with both parties are standing.
  • No closed fist strikes, only open palm. Strikes to the face and body are allowed.
  • No slams.
  • A “downed” combatant is considered when one person has both their knees on the ground or their buttocks on the floor.
  • Standing grappling will go on for 1 minute maximum after 1 minute of stand up a horn will sound indicating to the referee that the match needs to be grounded. The referee will stop the match and enforce the “Get Down” rule. Here they will flip a coin to decide position. The winner of the coin-toss can decide to be on top in butterfly guard with double underhooks or to be on the bottom.
  • “Purgatory” position is when one combatant is grounded and the other is still standing and not engaging in a leg entanglement or guard position. A competitor is allowed 30 seconds of “purgatory” for the entire match, after which any further time spent there will be added onto their overtime result. This is to discourage any stalling and to encourage active guard passing from the person on top. Once the person on top’s knee touches the ground and he is seen to be passing, the timer stops. The timer will resume if the person stops being active and stands if their competitor is grounded.
  • If a player is standing while their combatant has a full guard or is in a leg entanglement with them, that is not considered purgatory. If the standing combatant disengaged from a leg entanglement or breaks guard they are allowed 10 seconds to re-engage before the purgatory timer starts.
  • All submissions are legal.
  • A match can be won by Submission, EBI overtime rules or by TKO.

EBI Overtime Rules

  • 1 round minimum, 3 rounds maximum.
  • No striking allowed.
  • Players will choose either a spiderweb or back control position.
  • If a submission is successful in the top of a round, the opposing player must get a submission in a faster time to win.
  • If no submission is achieved in the 3 allotted rounds, the player with the fastest escape time wins.

Tournament Format

  • Single elimination 16-man tournament.
  • Rounds are 10 minutes long, with up to three EBI overtimes available.

Team Duel Format

  • Each team has 5 players.
  • Rounds are 8 minutes long. If there is no submission or TKO in regulation, it is ruled a draw and both players are eliminated.
  • The team that eliminates all the players of the other team wins the matchup (wether by submission or draw).
  • If the both teams are on their 5th player and that match goes to a draw, each team will pick a player from the opposing team to send to overtime.